Personal Project - June 2022

Goal: Revamp the Mixhers How It Works Page, it currently isn't very clear nor informative in knowing how the products help. User interviews indicated the page doesn't help them make any decision on what products for them and why. 

The current "How It Works" page

I started by having 10 women ages ranging from 25-40 years old check the page out and give me their initial thoughts and feedback they had on the page. 

A few common comments:

The first wireframe sketches I had were similar to what the page currently looks like with the essential ingredients for each product with each ingredient expandable and towards the top have each of the products Mixhers offers displayed. The second wireframe sketched had a bigger banner of each product with product info and expandable ingredients. 

The feedback for the high fi prototype was:

The prototype can be viewed at this link here

I had the first three product images clickable so it scrolls down to the item info and its ingredients and if you click the image it brings you down to, it'll bring you back up to all the products. All the ingredients for the first product, Hertime is expandable with the image of what the image in real life looks like, since most of the ingredients are inspired by Chinese traditional medicine.  

If I had more time to work on this project, I would do more user testing and work more on the icons for the other products and a mobile version as well.